Bridlington Central Library

These are the groups running at the library, ask the library about any of these groups if you are interested:

Games Club – Enjoy our great range of games and meet new people at East Riding Games Groups. Build your word power with Scrabble, flex your strategic muscles with chess and keep your brain active; these games are not just for rainy afternoons!! Every week on Wednesdays 2pm-4pm.

Knit and Natter – Library knitting groups offer improved health and wellbeing and a lively group of new friends for all ages and abilities. Did you know knitting has therapeutic qualities similar to meditation? Research shows it can help prevent and manage stress and pain. No need to book, just come along and join our friendly group. Every week on Wednesdays 10am-12pm.

Chatterbooks – Join in our popular reading group for primary school children, to talk about what you are reading, take part in fun activities inspired by the best children’s books, and choose new books to take home and read. Did you know, children who read for enjoyment do better at school? No need to book, just join come along. First Wednesday of the month, 3.45pm-4.45pm.

Chats and Crafts – Share your love of crafting with others, pass on your knowledge, swop ideas and resources. A fun and relaxed group of all ages and abilities. No need to book, just come along and join our friendly group. Second and Fourth Monday of the month, 1pm-2.30pm.

Cuppa and a Chorus – Come and make music with a group of friendly people. You do not need to read music or have any experience of singing, just come to meet new like-minded people in relaxed surroundings and find your own voice. Singing in a group is proven to have a range of health benefits, including regulating heart beat and improving mood Every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month 10-11.30am

Adult Book Club – Reading can reduce stress by 68% and risk of dementia by 35%. Broaden your horizons, meet like-minded people and explore the fascinating world of literature. Suitable for adults and all ability levels, no need to book just come along. 1st Monday of the month 1.30pm-3pm

Reading Friends – Make new friends and share stories in our new social group, Reading Friends. It’s free to join, and everyone is welcome. First Thursday of the month 3pm-4pm. Call us to book: 01262 672917.

Storytime – Storytime is a fun and enjoyable introduction to books for pre-schoolers. Sharing books with young children can help to build concentration skills, listening skills and extend vocabulary to give them a head start when they begin school. No need to book, just come along. Every week on a Thursday 10am-11am.

Bridlington Central Library
Bridlington Central Library
King Street
Bridlington YO15 2DF
United Kingdom
Phone: 01262 672917