ERYC Money Advice Team

ERYC Welfare Visiting Team – “East Riding of Yorkshire Council’s Welfare Visiting Team can help you if you have financial difficulties. Our Benefit and Debt Advisors offer free debt advice either in the comfort of your own home or at one of our Customer Service Centres. Where needed, we can help you to apply for benefits that you may be unaware you are entitled to. We can help you if you have council tax arrears or housing benefit over-payments to ensure that arrangements made are affordable. We can also help you with rent arrears for Local Authority Housing to try to help you secure your tenancy if you have run into financial difficulties.  We make sure that you are not missing out on any benefits etc.

The service is available to all residents, regardless of age, gender or employment status. We are here to help.

ERYC Money Advice Team
ERYC Money Advice Team
County Hall
Beverley HU17 9BA
United Kingdom