Fred’s Walkers: update information 27th February 2023
In 1998 a group known as the Fred’s Walkers was formed. This was simply several friends that enjoyed walking together. One of the friends Fred Fussle became ill and could no longer walk. They made him President and called the group Freds’ Walkers .
The Walks: A walking group that go out into the countryside on 4 -5-mile walks. They are a friendly bunch who welcome new members. Walks are on a Tuesday 1-30 pm Thursdays 10-am and Saturday 10am. The walks are all over the East Riding with sometimes excursions across the water to Lincolnshire. On few occasions the walks may exceed 5 miles and the terrain may include some hills. A note of these will be on the walk programme. Members are encouraged to contact the walks coordinator of the walk if clarification is necessary.
Organisation: We travel by car to the start of the walks and car sharing is encouraged. It may be appropriate to offer to share fuel costs. We have a short coffee break halfway during the walk. It is essential that we keep in contact with each other for safety reasons and help each other over difficult parts. Following the walk if there is a suitable pub or teashop nearby, we may retire there before the homeward journey.
Insurance and Legal Liability: The group does not have any insurance. Please remember that we are a group of friends who walk together, we are not a club or association. We make a clear statement on each walking programme. Please note that the group does not insure members or visitors for their walks. Participants walk at their own risk and must take responsibility for their own safety and for their ability to complete the walk. Walk coordinators do not take responsibility for any member of the group or visitors. Each walker must comply with the country code. No litigation of the group has ever been made but we are obliged to be proactive.
Annual Fee: These are determined at our annual meeting held each year. At present the fees are £5per annum. They cover the cost of producing programmes, the hire of village hall and other documentation.
Fred’s Walkers: Phone 01482 646876
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