Humberside Scouts – County Office

There’s more to us than a few knots!

If you still think Scouting is just about boys, tents, knots and woggles, then take a look at our video and you might just change your mind. With over 200 activities on offer, Scouting offers everyday adventure to young people (boys and girls) as well as adult volunteers.

Of course Scouting still has some traditions, but so does the game of Football, that’s not to say everything is done the same as it always has been (Football for example, didn’t have an offside rule when it was invented!).  Today we focus on modern Scouting, providing a relevant balanced programme that is in keeping with what the young people of today expect.

Put simply – Scouting is an affordable way of providing a range of exciting and adventurous activities for your child.

Adventure is at the heart of everything we do.

We offer hundreds of activities, as diverse as kayaking, abseiling, staged performance, paragliding, and archery. There’s something for every young person, whatever their physical ability.

The purpose of Scouting is to contribute to the development of young people in achieving their full physical, intellectual, social and spiritual potentials, as individuals, as responsible citizens and as members of their local, national and international communities.

The Founder of Scouting had a vision from which a Movement has grown, so that Scouting is found today in every corner of the land.

Scouting happens principally in Scout Groups, Explorer Scout Units and Scout Networks, wherever boys and girls meet to enjoy the Scout programme..You’ll never be that far from your nearest group, so get in touch and register  your interest today.

What Parents Say

In an independent survey of over 2,000 parents of Scouts, nine out of ten parents said Scouting is worthwhile and nine in ten said their children find Scouting enjoyable.

Humberside Scouts – County Office
Raywell Park, Riplingham Road,
Cottingham East Yorkshire, HU16 5YL
United Kingdom
Phone: 01482 655732