Step Up Group Pre-school

The Step Up Group is a charity based, committee run Pre-School for children aged 2-4.

We offer morning, afternoon and full day sessions.

Sessions are Monday-Friday (term time only)
9.00am-12.00pm and 12.30pm-3.30pm

Session prices are:
2 year olds: £12 per 3 hour session
3-4 year olds: £10 per 3 hour session
Lunch places are available at £2 per day. Please provide your childs lunch on the day.

We offer funded places for both 2,3 and 4 year olds. Please contact us for more information on this.

The Step Up Group strive to work as a team and in a positive manner to provide the best possible setting for pre-school education and childcare.

Step Up Group Pre-school
The Bungalow,
Garth Lane
Hook, Goole DN14 5NW
United Kingdom