The Kingfisher Learning Trust

Kingfisher is a values-led Trust, where innovative approaches help support children in getting ready for and engaging in learning. The organisation is continually developing with a clarity of expectation for high aspirations and an understanding of why we do what we do (underpinning rationales). Kingfisher’s vision is for ‘Endless Possibilities’; nothing but the best will do. In practice, Kingfisher Trust wishes to work with a range of schools as they join the Trust to develop values, ethos and vision towards a high aspirational quality for all learners, ensuring the building blocks of good practice are in place. Strong, skilled and diverse leadership with a clarity of purpose and direction are key.

Kingfisher has always been outward facing and successful in system leadership, developing reputation and practice in the support offered to other children, as one of the first National Teaching Schools and a National Support School, both within Oldham and across other Local Authorities. Children benefit from staff unceasingly developing their skills and expertise through reflective practice and coaching and a continually improving ethos – always asking why and how they can improve.

The Kingfisher Learning Trust
Kingfisher Special School
Foxdenton Lane
Chadderton Oldham OL9 9QR
United Kingdom
Phone: 01617 705910