The Facebook presence of Walkington Methodist Church, Walkington, East Yorkshire. We are a welcoming church at the heart of a beautiful village. The calling of the Methodist Church is to respond to the gospel of God’s love in Christ and to live out its discipleship in worship and mission. It does this through: WORSHIP, LEARNING & CARING, SERVICE AND EVANGELISM
Church events:
Sunday Services: (from Sept 2021)
9.30am Morning Worship and Sunday Club, with coffee to follow. There are occasional Evening Services at 6.30pm.
A loop system is available for hearing aid users.
Big Breakfast: (from Oct 2021)
Children meet in the schoolroom on the first Sunday in the month for breakfast and fun, joining the congregation in church for the last hymn. Biscuits and drinks follow!
An open invitation is extended to all children in the village to join in.
Tea and Toast: (from Sept 2021)
Every Monday 9-11 am (closed Bank Holidays) In the Methodist Schoolroom. Call in any time. No Charge.
* morning papers * a chance to chat * toy corner * access for all
Sponsored by both Walkington Churches:
Little Angels: (returning Nov 2021)
Baby and Toddler group – Methodist Schoolroom
Every Friday during term-time 10 – 11.30am Stories, music and craft £1 per family NB. Adults must stay with their children
Walkington Methodist Church
West End
Beverley HU17
United Kingdom
Beverley HU17
United Kingdom