East Riding Food Poverty Alliance (ERFPA)

The East Riding Food Poverty Alliance (ERFPA) is a partnership of Food charities, voluntary and community sector organisations. The Alliance aims to identify the actions needed to improve local support for people living in food poverty across the East Riding of Yorkshire.

Together we stand united against Food Poverty.

ERFPA was set up in June 2020 and is supported by East Riding Voluntary Action Services (ERVAS), who is the appointed Locally Trust Organisation for the alliance.

The alliance meets on a fortnightly basis to discuss emerging food poverty issues across the county, to share knowledge of best practice and work towards our vision which is:

‘Food security for all individuals across the East Riding of Yorkshire’

East Riding Food Poverty Alliance (ERFPA)
First Floor
2a Marshall Ave
Bridlington YO15 2DS
United Kingdom
Phone: 01482 871077
Email: office@ervas.org.uk
Url: http://www.erfpa.org.uk